Smokin’ Patties and Cow Pies - Electrifying Homes Near You

Wed, 2013-07-24 (All day)

Key sources of greenhouse gas emissions from Canada’s agricultural sector include farm practices related to animal production. The emissions from animal production are mostly from enteric fermentation (burps!) and manure management (poo!).

Gross, right?

Well, that’s where anaerobic digesters come in. Methane is released as a result of manure decomposition during storage. According to the Canadian Greenhouse Gas Inventory by Environment Canada, 17% of national agricultural emissions in 2001 were released from decomposing manure. On average, a dairy cow’s manure can emit 50 – 145 kg methane per year. In BC, the estimated number of dairy cows is around 72,000. This is equal to 75,000 – 220,000 tonnes of methane a year. what do these numbers mean?

It is estimated that for every 100 milking cows on a dairy farm, 200 – 300 kWh/day of electricity can be generated. This is sufficient energy to power twenty large homes. With 72,000 cows, BC farmers have the potential to provide many households, businesses and events in BC with renewable electricity while reducing greenhouse gas emissions, creating many other environmental benefits and generating additional income for local BC farms.

Well, what are we waiting for?

That is a good question. If BC wants to achieve its vision for a zero carbon future, it is time for BC businesses and citizens to take part. Cowpower invites BC businesses and residents to support local renewable electricity, greenhouse gas emissions reductions, local farming and food production by signing-up for Cowpower today.

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